Welcome to the Ortege API Documentation! Our API, powered by Cube, provides seamless access to comprehensive blockchain data. Whether you're integrating data into your applications, building sophisticated analytics, or developing real-time dashboards, the Ortege API offers the flexibility and performance you need.

The best place to start to get to know Ortege's API is by following one of these tutorials:

API Overview

The Ortege API is built on the robust Cube framework, offering multiple interfaces to interact with our blockchain data:

  • REST API: Accessible via https://api-staging.ortege.ai/cubejs-api/v1/load

  • GraphQL API: Accessible via https://api-staging.ortege.ai/cubejs-api/graphql

  • WebSocket API: Accessible via ws://api-staging.ortege.ai

Our API is optimized for high performance and scalability, ensuring you can access and analyze vast amounts of blockchain data efficiently.


To ensure secure access to the Ortege API, we utilize JWT (JSON Web Token) tokens for authentication. Each request to the API must include a valid JWT token in the authorization header.

How It Works:

  1. Generate JWT Token: Obtain your JWT token from the Ortege team.

  2. Include in Requests: Add the token to the Authorization header of your API requests.


Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN

Note: If you require an API key for enhanced access or specific use cases, please reach out to us via our Ortege Friends Telegram Group.

API Endpoints


  • Endpoint: https://api-staging.ortege.ai/cubejs-api/v1/load

  • Description: Perform data queries using RESTful HTTP requests.

  • Method: POST

  • Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json

    • Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN

  • Body: JSON payload containing your query.

Example Request:

  "query": {
    "measures": ["logs.count"],
    "timeDimensions": [{
      "dimension": "logs.time",
      "granularity": "hour",
      "dateRange": "last 1440 minutes"


  • Endpoint: https://api-staging.ortege.ai/cubejs-api/graphql

  • Description: Execute GraphQL queries for flexible and efficient data retrieval.

  • Method: POST

  • Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json

    • Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN

  • Body: GraphQL query string.

Example Request:

  logs {
    time {

WebSocket API

  • Endpoint: ws://api-staging.ortege.ai

  • Description: Establish real-time data streams for dynamic applications.

  • Protocol: WebSocket

  • Authentication: Include JWT token during the connection handshake.

Example Connection URL:


Obtaining an API Key

If you require an API key for accessing the Ortege API, please join our community and reach out through the Ortege Friends Telegram Group. Our team is ready to assist you with your API access needs and provide any additional support you may require.

Additional Resources

Maximize Your API Experience

By leveraging the Ortege API, you gain access to a powerful suite of tools and datasets tailored to meet your blockchain data needs. Whether you're conducting in-depth research, developing sophisticated trading algorithms, or building innovative blockchain applications, our API provides the foundation for your success.

Get Started Today:

Last updated